Monday, March 24, 2014

Kickstarter Marks $1 Billion In Crowdfunding Pledges

Kickstarter, the world's largest funding patform for creative projects, announced on March 3rd that funding pledges has surpasses $1 billion.

Here are some interesting Kickstarter statistics:
  • 5.7 million people funded projects (versus less than 1,000 active venture capital forms worldwide)
  • Over 135,000 projects have been started with over 57,000 successful.
  • More than half of the $1 billion was pledged in the last 12 months alone
  • $913 is pledged on Kickstarter every minute. In 2012 this figure was $607
  • 1,689,979 people have backed/funded MORE than one project
  • 15,932 people have backed/funded more than 50 projects
  • $619 million has been pledged by returning backers
 Leading the position among crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter also expanded to UK on October 31, 2012 and over the first year, more than £22 million was pledged to projects in the UK. In September 2013, Kickstarter officially opened to projects based in Canada. Two months later in November Kickstarter opened to projects in Australia and New Zealand.

Considering that more than $1 billion has been pledged through just Kickstarter alone, the crowdfunding dollars far exceeds that amount with other platforms like IndieGogo, RocketHub, etc.

As the platform continues to expand globally the growth in crowdfunding doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.

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